Collect all three of the red colour set in McDonalds Monopoly UK 2024 and you’ll win a Merlin Annual Pass for four people!

Fleet Street (M612) and Trafalgar Square (M613) are pretty easy to get, but getting hold of The Strand (M611) is harder, as there were fewer of them available.
But how hard was it to get The Strand in McDonalds Monopoly in 2024? Read on to find out how to find this elusive game piece…
(Note: If you’re in Australia, then head over to the Australia McDonalds Monopoly guide instead)

There aren’t many to find…
In McDonalds Monopoly in 2024 there are 225 Strand stickers attached to food and drinks packaging. There are also 10 more ‘Property Peel’ stickers that you could win via the app as part of the Power Peel game. That makes a total of 235 Merlin passes that are available to be won.

The Strand is pretty rare
Strand stickers are definitely rare in McDonalds Monopoly. It’s the fifth rarest after Mayfair, Bond Street, Coventry Street and Marlborough Street. There are only 235 Strand stickers in 2024, out of millions of pieces in existence.
As a rule, the higher the value of the property on the Monopoly board, the higher the prize value. The brown McDonalds pieces are the easiest to find, with over 2 million of each, but the prize is much smaller – it’s just an Extra Value meal.
So, if you get a Strand McDonalds Monopoly sticker, be sure to keep it safe!
If you find The Strand, keep it safe!
If you have The Strand in McDonalds Monopoly, you’ll probably want to try to find Fleet Street and Trafalgar Square to complete the red set. The other two stickers are very common so you shouldn’t find it all that hard.
The cheapest way to complete the set is to hang around McDonalds picking up people’s old tokens – this is known as wombling. It’s legal, but it is kind of frowned upon.

Alternatively, check out this list of McDonalds Monopoly menu items – I’ve listed them by price so you can see the cheapest items to buy with stickers.
Within a few days, you would have a really high chance of finding the missing sticker that you need to win.
Don’t buy or sell it
You may see people who are desperate for a Strand sticker to complete the set taking to social media to beg for or buy the missing piece needed to complete the red set.
Anyone got a spare strand 🙏? #McDonalds #Monopoly
— Diego Loveridge (@diego_loveridge) September 9, 2022
However, attempting to buy missing McDonalds Monopoly stickers isn’t a good idea. The rules state that you not allowed to buy or trade game pieces. Not only that, but if your code is shared anywhere online it will become invalid.
Someone did try to sell a whole reel of unpeeled stickers on Gumtree, but the ad was taken down pretty quickly.

You could also have your prize stolen, like one unfortunate customer who posted a picture of her winning game piece to Snapchat.
So please don’t photograph your stickers and share them on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat or anywhere else!