Is Mayfair Rare in McDonalds Monopoly Australia (2024)

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With Macca’s Monopoly, there are two main ways to win a prize – you can get Instant Win cards, or you can collect all the properties within one colour set. And every year, there’s one rare token for every colour – one that’s a lot harder to find than the others.

If you’re playing McDonalds Monopoly in Australia, you’ll no doubt have your eyes on the top prize.

macca's monopoly board game

But to get it, you need both Park Lane and Mayfair. Which is the rare one? Do you already have it? Let’s take a look…

Firstly – what is Mayfair in Maccas Monopoly?

Mayfair in McDonalds Monopoly is one of the dark blue properties. You can find it either as a physical sticker attached to eligible food items on the menu, or you may be awarded it on the MyMacca’s app as a bonus property when you claim a Chance card.

macca monopoly chance card

As one of the dark blue properties, you could win a car if you get Mayfair as well as Park Lane. The odds are pretty low, but you never know!

Bad news if you were excited for a moment…

Mayfair is not one of the rare properties in McDonalds Monopoly. The rare dark blue card is Park Lane. Mayfair is a common property, and so will likely pop up quite regularly on your food items or via the app.

Or at least that was the case last year – we’re assuming it’s the same this year, but it hasn’t been confirmed yet.

macca's monopoly food items

See this list of rare Maccas Monopoly pieces to know which ones you should be on the lookout for.

Considering the reputation that Mayfair has in the board game for being the most expensive and ‘best’ property on the board, you may get excited if you find it during Macca’s Monopoly. Sorry though, as it’s Park Lane you should be looking for.

Maccas Monopoly hash brown

The odds of pulling Mayfair haven’t been made clear in the terms and conditions, but there are almost 50 million prizes to be won (which includes the 22 rare property cards), and close to 200 million tickets in total.

Maccas Monopoly Prize Total

That leaves around 150 million pieces that will either be a common property, such as Mayfair, or a Chance card. If they were all created with equal odds, that would mean there would be around 7.5 million Mayfair properties you could get either physically or digitally, with odds of around 1 in 25.

Park Lane is the rare one – there’s just one of these in the whole game. So the odds of getting a Park Lane sticker are around 1 in 200 million. Good luck!

Here’s what to do if you get Mayfair

Once you’ve found Mayfair, you’ll want to make sure it’s registered in the MyMacca’s app (unless you’ve already won it as a digital piece from a Chance card). If it is a physical ticket, then keep it safe.

You won’t win unless you find Park Lane though, so keep the hunt going. Don’t ask for it online, or offer to split the prize with your Mayfair ticket. The Macca’s Monopoly terms forbid trading or selling tickets, so you’ll just get disqualified.

The bottom line

Mayfair might feel like a special property due to its value in the main Monopoly board game, but as a token in Macca’s Monopoly it’s fairly common.

Still, keep it safe if you do get it – because you’ll need it if you also manage to find Park Lane in order to claim the top prize.

Make sure you register your properties in the app as soon as you get them, and store the tickets somewhere secure. After all, someone has to win.

macca's register a game

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Jenni Fielding

Jenni Fielding is the founder of Monopoly Land - an unofficial fan site. She has been a huge fan of Monopoly and has been playing the game for over 30 years. She is a stickler for the rules and loves to find vintage Monopoly sets in second-hand shops.