100+ Monopoly Crossword Clues & Answers

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Stuck on a crossword with a Monopoly clue? I’m here to help you!

The game of Monopoly features in the clues of thousands of crossword puzzles. But, unless you’re familiar with the game, it can be very tricky to work out the solutions!

So, below you’ll find a huge list of Monopoly crossword clues and answers. I hope this helps!

Monopoly crossword

It’s often a Monopoly properties crossword clue that is included in puzzles, so it helps to know the spaces on the board. This table of Monopoly crossword clues is sorted alphabetically by clue and also includes the length of the suggested answer…

“___ pass go” Monopoly directiveDONOT5
$100 Monopoly AvenueORIENTAL8
$50 payment in MonopolyBAIL4
Abbreviation on many Monopoly cardsAVE3
Accessory for Mr MonopolyCANE4
Accessory for Mr MonopolyTOPHAT6
All three red properties in MonopolyAVENUES7
Avenue next to Reading Railroad, in MonopolyORIENTAL8
Battleship in MonopolyTOKEN5
Blue Monopoly billsTENS4
Blue Monopoly squareMAYFAIR7
Blue Monopoly squarePARKLANE8
Blue Monopoly squarePARKPLACE9
Blue Monopoly squareBOARDWALK9
Blue Monopoly squareEUSTONROAD10
Card in MonopolyDEED4
Cheap Monopoly buyBALTIC6
Company that makes MonopolyHASBRO6
Earn $200 in MonopolyPASSGO6
Fleet Monopoly PropertySTREET6
Four Monopoly propertiesRAILROADS9
Green Monopoly pieceHOUSE5
Half of a Monopoly pairDIE3
Half of a Monopoly pairUTILITY7
Income and luxury payments in MonopolyTAXES5
Light blue Monopoly propertyVERMONT7
Light blue Monopoly propertyORIENTAL8
Lowest Monopoly rollTWO3
Lowest Monopoly rollSNAKEEYES9
Lowest roll in MonopolyTWO3
Lowest roll in MonopolySNAKEEYES9
Luxury ___ (square on a Monopoly board)TAX3
Marvin ___ (yellow Monopoly property)GARDENS7
Mascot in MonopolyRICHUNCLE9
Mascot in MonopolyPENNYBAGS9
Monopoly avenue next to the B.&O. RailroadATLANTIC8
Monopoly board cornerFREEPARKING11
Monopoly box sheetRULES5
Monopoly buyHOUSE5
Monopoly buyHOTEL5
Monopoly buysAVES4
Monopoly buysDEEDS5
Monopoly buysDEEDS5
Monopoly buysHOUSES6
Monopoly buysHOTELS6
Monopoly cardDEED4
Monopoly cardCHANCE6
Monopoly cardGOTOJAIL8
Monopoly cardTITLEDEED9
Monopoly card (3,3,2,4)GETOUTOFJAIL12
Monopoly card directive, ___ jailGOTO4
Monopoly card infoRENTS5
Monopoly card left in part of churchCHANCEL7
Monopoly card phraseDONOTPASSGO11
Monopoly card, Go to ___JAIL4
Monopoly cardsDEEDS5
Monopoly cardsTITLEDEEDS10
Monopoly cornerGO2
Monopoly cornerJAIL4
Monopoly featureCHANCE6
Monopoly itemDIE3
Monopoly itemDEED4
Monopoly itemHOTEL5
Monopoly itemHOUSE5
Monopoly itemCHANCECARD10
Monopoly jobBANKER6
Monopoly Macbeth Edition and othersBARDGAMES9
Monopoly piecesDICE4
Monopoly piecesHOUSES6
Monopoly piecesHOTELS6
Monopoly piecesTOKENS6
Monopoly properiesHOUSES6
Monopoly propertyELECTRICCOMPANY15
Monopoly property in the red groupSTRAND6
Monopoly property three squares before goPARKPLACE9
Monopoly quartetRAILROADS9
Monopoly railroadSHORTLINE9
Monopoly squareGO2
Monopoly squareJAIL4
Monopoly squareCHANCE6
Monopoly squareLUXURYTAX9
Monopoly squarePARKPLACE9
Monopoly squareCOMMUNITYCHEST14
Monopoly squareREADINGRAILROAD15
Monopoly stackDEEDS5
Monopoly tokenCAR3
Monopoly tokenDOG3
Monopoly tokenHAT3
Monopoly tokenIRON4
Monopoly tokenSHOE4
Monopoly tokenTREX4
Monopoly tokenTOPHAT6
Monopoly tokenTERRIER7
Monopoly tokenSCOTTIE7
Monopoly tokenTHIMBLE7
Monopoly token replaced by a catIRON4
Monopoly top propertyMAYFAIR7
One of 17 in MonopolyAVENUES7
One of 28 in MonopolyDEED4
One of a Monopoly foursomeRAILROAD8
Only Monopoly railroad whose name doesn’t contain ‘railroad’SHORTLINE9
Orange Place on a Monopoly boardST JAMES8
Payment in MonopolyRENT4
Place name in MonopolyPARK4
Second least valuable property in MonopolyBALTIC6
Short ___ (Monopoly railroad)LINE4
Some Monopoly game equipmentMONEY5
Some Monopoly players pay itPOORTAX7
Some Monopoly propsAVES4
T-Rex on a Monopoly boardTOKEN5
Turn a corner in MonopolyPASS GO7
Turn in MonopolyROLL4
word on a Monopoly corner squareJAIL4
word on a Monopoly corner squareRENT4
word on a Monopoly corner squareSALARY6
Yellow Monopoly propertyMARVINGARDENS13
Yellow Monopoly propertyVENTNORAVENUE13

Did you find the answer to your crossword? I hope so! Monopoly crosswords can be tricky, especially if it relates to the name of one of the colored streets or avenues.

Sometimes the clues can be very vague too. If you’ve ever had the cheap square on the Monopoly board crossword clue then you’ll know what I mean – is that the cheapest one, or just any from the first side of the board?

If you didn’t find what you needed, then take a look at this Monopoly squares list where you might find the answer that you’re looking for!

I also have a list of Monopoly tokens and a list of Chance and Community Chest cards for you.

While you’re here, you might also want to check out these:

Jenni Fielding

Jenni Fielding is the founder of Monopoly Land - an unofficial fan site. She has been a huge fan of Monopoly and has been playing the game for over 30 years. She is a stickler for the rules and loves to find vintage Monopoly sets in second-hand shops.